L'HIRONDELLE, C.A., May 27, 2011: “Crapitalism: Definition and Cure”

The title clearly indicates the author’s feelings about an unregulated market economy. One of the cures L’Hirondelle proposes is a basic income. She writes, “A sudden ‘no money for anyone’ path would be highly disruptive and risky. In contrast, ‘money for all’ via a universal livable income implemented in each country in the world would at least create the possibility of a peaceful transition from a crapitalist to a livable economy.”


LITTLE, Mat, May 2011, “Economic crisis and post-capitalism: Mat Little interviews the economist Harry Shutt about economic crisis and the left alternative.”

Red Pepper

Describe by Little as “an economist who occupies the dissident edge of his profession” Shutt is the author of A New Democracy and The Decline of Capitalism. In this interview, Harry Shutt endorses basic income. Answering the question, “You think a citizens’ income is essential. Why?” Shutt replies, “Given the ever growing global surplus of labour noted above, it is no longer possible to pretend, if it ever was, that full employment is a realistic goal. … This points to the necessity of devising a system of income distribution which incentivises people to undertake only work which is necessary – including caring activities which at present are largely unpaid – and does not penalise people for being unemployed. The most obvious benefits of a basic or citizen’s income – paid at a flat rate to every adult irrespective of their income or employment status – would be that every individual would be assured of basic subsistence without the need for means testing. The administrative costs of means testing would be saved, as would the personal irritation and humiliation. People could undertake paid work or start small businesses without losing any benefit, while at the same time they could afford to undertake unpaid work of value to the community – including as carers – which might otherwise not be done.”

The article is online at:

STANDING, Guy, May 24, 2011, “The Precariat – The new dangerous class”

According to Guy Standing, the Precariat “consists of a multitude of insecure people, living bits-and-pieces lives, in and out of short-term jobs, without a narrative of occupational development.” There are many more people in this position in the industrialized world than there were 50 years ago. Standing argues, “The only way to provide sufficient economic security is to do so ex ante, through providing every legal resident in society with a basic income as a right.” Standing is former co-chair and honorary co-President of BIEN. His article is online at:


KOTHER, Harald, Mar. 22, 2011, “Basic Income: The Way out of a Sick Society”


This article discusses Erich Fromm’s arguments on the psychological benefit of a basic income. Harald Kother writes, “Without the social contract, we become wolves to one another. Without the social contract, the state becomes a trough for the super-rich. Basic income could enable everyone to participate in social, economic and political life. Without vision, the people perish.”

It’s online at:

SPECIAL ISSUE: “Perspectives on Cash Transfers”

Economic and Political Weekly Volume 46, No. 21, May 21 – May 27, 2011

This special issue contains the following articles on cash transfers:

NARAYANAN, Sudha “A Case for Reframing the Cash Transfer Debate in India”

YANES, Pablo, “Mexico’s Targeted and Conditional Transfers: Between Oportunidades and Rights

VERAS SOARES, Fabio, “Brazil’s Bolsa Família: A Review”

BASTAGLI, Francesca, “Conditional Cash Transfers as a Tool of Social Policy”

GHOSH, Jayati, “Cash Transfers as the Silver Bullet for Poverty Reduction: A Sceptical Note”

KOTWAL, Ashok, Milind MURUGKAR, and Bharat RAMASWAMI, “PDS Forever?”

CHAUDHURI, Arka Roy and E SOMANATHAN, “Impact of Biometric Identification-Based Transfers”

KAPUR, Devesh, “The Shift to Cash Transfers: Running Better But on the Wrong Road?”

These articles are online at:

MEDRED, Craig, Mar 20, 2011, “All hail Comrade Palin, Hero of the Proletariat!”

Alaska Dispatch

This opinion piece revives the decades-old practice of “red-bating. It red-bates Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend and all of its supporters, including Sarah Palin as “socialist.” The author would prefer that the oil companies operating in Alaska not be changed any fee at all for removing the oil from Alaska. By implication, anyone who thinks oil corporations should pay at least some fee for the benefit of the people of the state is a socialist.


The article is reprint on the following blog: Syrin’s Blog, Wasilla, Alaska
