Jürg Müller, “The ‘emancipation of Switzerland or an ‘attack on the welfare state’? The debate over a basic income”

[Craig Axford]

What is the value of work?

What is the value of work?

Jürg Müller of the Swiss Review reports proponents of an unconditional basic income (UBI) are planning to submit 100,000 signatures or more to Switzerland’s Federal Chancellery on October 13th. (Organizers of the initiative have since moved that date up to October 4th.) The Swiss initiative, labeled “the emancipation of Switzerland” by supporters, is drawing both support and opposition from across the political spectrum.

Jürg Müller, “The ‘emancipation of Switzerland or an ‘attack on the welfare state’? The debate over a basic incomeSwiss Review, August 2013

Jonny Steinberg, “Idea of jobs for all blinds us to need for welfare”

[Craig Axford]

Jonny Steinberg

Jonny Steinber

Jonny Steinberg, professor of African Studies at Oxford University, argues that South Africa’s failure to provide grants to unemployed young men is shifting the burden of supporting this segment of the nation’s population onto the working poor. This has contributed to the country’s recent labor unrest. Steinberg proposes that South Africa accept there will never be sufficient jobs for everyone, and that by providing a permanent basic income it will produce needed relief to both the nation’s working poor and its unemployed.

Jonny Steinberg, “Idea of jobs for all blinds us to need for welfare,” Business Day (South Africa, 26 July 2013

Thomas Smith, “The Guaranteed Basic Income – Reality or Utopia?”

[By Craig Axford]

In this blog post Frank Thomas Smith recounts a recent visit to Germany where he first encountered the idea of a basic guaranteed income.  He explores the challenges companies and employees face as automation and outsourcing continue to reduce the demand for workers, leaving many without jobs.  He concludes that a basic income for everyone will free many to explore new opportunities on their own and enhance creativity within both individuals and society as a whole.

Thomas Smith, “The Guaranteed Basic Income – Reality or Utopia?” Editor’s Page, SouthernCrossReview.org

For more information see: www.unternimm-die-zukunft.de

Olga Khazan, “The Case for Unconditional Handouts to the Poor”

[By Craig Axford]

In this article in The Atlantic, Olga Khazan points to recent research coming out of Morocco that demonstrates unconditional handouts to those in need leads to better outcomes than conditional handouts. Many fail to enrol in conditional programs at all, fearing they may not be able to meet the requirements, while those receiving unconditional support have no such concerns. Unconditional programs also come with fewer administrative burdens saving both time and resources.

Olga Khazan, “The case for Unconditional Handouts to the Poor: No, they don’t blow it on booze or drugs – at least not in developing countries.The Atlantic, Aug 16, 2013.

Children at the Fkih Tahiri Primary School in Fes on June 1, 2007. ( Rafael Marchante/Reuters)

Children at the Fkih Tahiri Primary School in Fes on June 1, 2007. ( Rafael Marchante/Reuters)

Francine Mestrum, "Basic income: a solution?"

In this opinion piece (in Dutch) published on 27 August 2013 by www.dewereldmorgen.be, Francine Mestrum (a lecturer in social sciences in Antwerp, Belgium) scrutinizes the pros and cons of a basic income. In the end, she remains quite skeptical, as she stresses the fact that some basic income supporters are neoliberals opposing labour unions. She is aware of the fact that progressives also defend it, but insists that their own versions of basic income are not convincing enough.

The piece (in Dutch) is available here.

Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght, "Il reddito minimo universale"

Bocconi University Press has just published a second edition of “Il reddito minimo universale”, an introductory book on basic income written by Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght (Louvain University). Originally published in French in 2005, this book had been translated into Italian in 2006, with a preface by Chiara Saraceno. The French version is out of print, but still available online.

Further details: https://www.egeaonline.it/editore/catalogo/reddito-minimo-universale-il-ii-edizione.aspx

Full references: VAN PARIJS, Philippe & VANDERBORGHT, Yannick (2013), Il reddito minimo universale, Milano: Università Bocconi Editore EGEA, 192p., 2013, ISBN/EAN: 9788883502040