Rutger Bregman, “Why we should give free money to everyone”

Author’s summary, “We tend to think that simply giving people money makes them lazy. Yet a wealth of scientific research proves the contrary: free money helps. It is time for a radical reform of the welfare state.”

Rutger Bregman, “Why we should give free money to everyone,” de Correspondent, December 2013 (undated). Translated from Dutch by Tabitha Speelman.

A shorter version of this piece was republished in the Washington Post, December 29, 2013:

The most efficient way to spend money on the homeless might be to give it to them. Image: Getty Images via

The most efficient way to spend money on the homeless might be to give it to them. Image: Getty Images via

Jesse Myerson, "Five Economic Reforms Millenials Should Be Fighting For: Guaranteed Jobs, Universal Basic Incomes, Public Finance and More"

[Josh Martin]

In this article, Myerson makes a call to arms for Millenials to stand behind five economic reforms: guaranteed work for everyone, a universal basic income, land-value taxes, more sovereign wealth funds, and public banks in every state.  According to Myerson, Millenials are disheartened by the economy and harbor “a level of suspicion” towards capitalism, leading to an “egalitarian impulse” that may translate into support for these reforms.

Jesse Myerson, “Five Economic Reforms Millenials Should Be Fighting For: Guaranteed Jobs, Universal Basic Incomes, Public Finance and More,” Rolling Stone, January 3, 2014.

"Fast-food workers protest outside of a Burger King in Los Angeles," Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg via Rolling Stone

"Fast-food workers protest outside of a Burger King in Los Angeles," Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg via Rolling Stone