J.D. Longstreet, “Something B. I. G. Is Coming To America! Progressive/Commies Push For Solution To Income Inequality”

[Josh Martin]

Longstreet believes the Democratic Party in the U.S. will use the appeal of a basic income guarantee (BIG)  to mobilize its voting base in the 2014 midterm election.  Progressives, Longstreet believes, will scream out for damaging levels of income equality propelled by the BIG.  Further, he claims that this BIG will give money to the lazy and undeserving.  Longstreet ends his article with a rousing cry for Republicans to fight back against the Democrat’s use of the “bully pulpit”.

J.D. Longstreet

J.D. Longstreet

J.D. Longstreet, “Something B. I. G. Is Coming To America! Progressive/Commies Push For Solution To Income Inequality,” Canada Free Press, January 7, 2014.

Lars Christensen. “There is a Pragmatic (but not a Libertarian) Case for a ‘Basic Income Guarantee’”.

Aynur Bashirova – January 2013

Lars Christensen, in his article published in the Market Monitarist, presents Milton Friedman’s idea of “negative income tax” in light of the arguments about BI brought forward by his friend Matt Zwolinski. Friedman had monetarist and liberal society ideas and one of his suggestions that attracted the author was the suggestion of negative income tax. His friend Zwolinski believes that BI needs to be directly distributed to poor as money check without conditions because there is a higher chance that the marginalized groups of society had ancestors that suffered from social injustices and they need to be compensated for that. Throughout the article, Christensen argues that he agrees with the general idea of BI, as proposed by Friedman and Zwolinski, but at the same time, he does not believe in the change of the monetary system in order to redistribute the income and neither thinks that it is as easy to do as it is presented.

Lars Christensen. “There is a Pragmatic (but not a Libertarian) Case for a ‘Basic Income Guarantee’”. The Market Monetarist, 8 December 2013.

Karl Widerquist, “The Alaska Model: a citizens income in practice”

The idea of a basic income for all citizens is often seen as a utopian dream. But, as this article explains, ‘the Alaska Dividend’ has existed for more than thirty years, and is immensely popular to this day. Karl Widerquist is an Associate Professor at SFS-Q, Georgetown University. He is the editor of Basic Income News and the Basic Income Earth Network’s NewsFlash. He writes the Alaska Dividend Blog.

Karl Widerquist, “The Alaska Model: a citizen’s income in practice,” Our Kingdom, Democratic Wealth: building a citizens’ economy. 24 April 2013.

