New book: Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed Income as a Basic Right.

New book: Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed Income as a Basic Right.

The Basic Income Network Italy has published a new Quaderno per il Reddito (Income Notebook) N°8 – February 2018. The title of this new publication is “Beyond the Income for Inclusion, for a guaranteed income as a basic right” and hosts, in 144 pages, twelve italian authors. The book analyzes the new measure introduced in Italy called “Reddito di inclusione [Income for Inclusion]” for people in extreme poverty, very conditioned and with very low state funding.

New Book: Basic income, the whole world talks about it. Experiences, proposals and experiments.

New Book: Basic income, the whole world talks about it. Experiences, proposals and experiments.

Basic income, the whole world talks about it. Experiences, proposals and experiments this is the title of a new book by Sandro Gobetti and Luca Santini, with a preface by Andrea Fumagalli, published by GoWare Edizioni (March 2018).


At the dawn of a new great transformation with the advent of the technological revolution, robotics and artificial intelligence, and in the age of major crises (economic, financial, political and ecologic), comes the echo of a proposal that opens unpublished scenarios: a basic income for all. In the era of the capitalism as a unique economic model, the idea of ​​ a guaranteed income rises up as one of the main human rights.

From experiences of minimum income inEuropean countries to the experimentation of an unconditional basic income around the planet, the right to a guaranteed income becomes key to fully enter, with confidence, in the third millennium. A book of agile and quick reading, written by two major Italian experts, helps to understand where we are and what we can expect.

Preface by Andrea Fumagalli
Guaranteed minimum income and basic income
Protection against social risks and minimum income: from welfare state to guarantee income
Unemployment insurance and minimum income in Europe
Systems and models of protection in European countries
What this means in practice: some examples
The universal and unconditional basic income
People talk about it everywhere. The state of the art of experimentation in the world
Africa at the forefront
What happens in Latin America
Back in the “first world”: North America
Asia, a crossroads of experimentation
The old continent that wants to reinvent itself
The debate and the proposals in Italy
Without income, without a network
A categorial and fragmented welfare
Moving situation
Essential principles for a possible proposal
Relations with unemployment benefits
Beneficiaries’ platform
The question of accessibility
Basic Income amount
Connection with the service system
Basic Income duration
The principle of congruence
To find out more: bibliographic references for topics
European models of guaranteed minimum income
Social and labor transformations and basic income
The fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, robotics and basic income


Sandro Gobetti, independent researcher and author of articles with a particular enphasis on guaranteed income. He collaborated on the 4/2009 law definition about minimum guaranteed income in the Lazio Region, and the national proposal law for guaranteed income. He is a founding member and coordinator of the Basic Income Network-Italy.

Luca Santini, lawyer, expert on migration law and social security law and has signed several articles. Has collaborated on the proposed law for guaranteed minimum income in Italy. He is the president and founder of the Basic Income Network-Italy.

Sandro Gobetti, Luca Santini, “Reddito di base – Tutto il mondo ne parla [Basic income – the whole world talks about it]“, Goware, 2018 (in Italian)

This article has been reviewed by André Coelho

Italy:  Basic Income, a proposal for the 21st century

Italy: Basic Income, a proposal for the 21st century

Meeting of the Basic Income Network, in Italy


On Friday, 10 November 2017, the Italian Basic Income Network – Italy (BIN Italia) organizes a day-to-day discussion forum about basic income, which will feature, among others, the participation of the philosopher and economist Philippe Van Parijs.

Basic income is a universal and unconditional monetary transfer to all people. It is a tool for the redistribution of socially produced wealth and can be seen as an upgrade in social protection and welfare systems. It supports freedom of choice and people’s self-determination and has grown to be one of the most discussed issues in the world. In addition, the world has seen, in the last few years, a proliferation of experiments on basic income in several regions of the planet. These experiments have been conducted in IndiaKenya, Finland and Canada, and also the city of Barcelona and several municipalities in the Netherlands, just to mention a few.

The issue is now on the political agenda in many countries and is called into the debate on the 4th Industrial Revolution and the advent of robotics in their ambivalence. The fear exists that a new mass unemployment caused by the development of machines will materialize. On the other hand, some also look on the opportunity that machines will replace people at work, by opening up new scenarios for the use of time, where basic income can allow for a more free and creative use of it.

In fact, in recent times, there are two major phenomena that have gone hand in hand: basic income experimentation and technological innovation. In some cases, the producers of new technologies themselves are supporting the introduction of this proposal (for example Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, and Silicon Valley Y Combinator enterprise incubator).

Basic income is an issue that has already been in the Italian social and political agenda. There have been various legislative proposals (e.g.: a popular proposal of law by BIN Italia, the proposal of the 5 Star Movement and 170 other associations), although the Italian government has reacted by implementing a conditional assistance program the Inclusion Income (ReI). This program, however, is still very far from the European debate and international experience on social assistance.

The issue has become so stringent that the European Union has long been questioning the need to introduce a measure as an adequate minimum income for all citizens of the old continent as indicated in the 20 European Social Pillars.

The meeting will be located in the Roman district of Ostiense-Garbatella and will take off in the morning with a round table entitled Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Future of work and Guaranteed Income, that will address the issues of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Digital Platforms, algorithm, Big Data, Robotics, and Advanced Automation. BIN Italia Association has recently published a publication titled “Guaranteed income and technological innovation. Among Algorithms and Robotics“, in which 15 authors discuss the new technological revolution (more on the book here).


The meeting will have two sessions:

11:00 h (Aula Verra, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Roma Tre University, Via Ostiense 234):

Round Table on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Future of Work and Guaranteed Income with Sociologist Chiara Saraceno (College Carlo Alberto, University of Turin), among the leading scholars of poverty and social inclusion, the philosopher Giacomo Marramao (University of Rome Tre) and the economist Andrea Fumagalli (University of Pavia), a known analyst and scholar interested in basic income. Introduction and moderation by Luca Santini, President of BIN Italia

17:30 h (Moby Dick – Cultural Hub Library, via Edgardo Ferrati, 3 – Garbatella, Rome)

Lectio Magistralis entitled Basic Income, a proposal for the 21st century by Philippe Van Parijs (Basic Income Earth Network – Université Catholique de Louvain), author of the book (coming out in October in Italy) entitled: The basic income. A radical proposal (Il Mulino). Introduction and moderation by Rachele Serino, vice-President of BIN Italia




More information at:

BIN Italia Facebook page

BIN Italia website


This article was reviewed by André Coelho.

Italy: Basic income at the CLAP national meeting

Italy: Basic income at the CLAP national meeting

From the 23rd to 24th of June 2017, the National Meeting of the CLAP – Chambers of Autonomous and Precarious Worker – will be held in Rome. Two days of meetings and debates will be held, over issues of labor transformation, social and innovative syndicalism, new social protection policies and basic income.


On June 24th, at 5 pm, a round table will be held, titled “Basic income: an inevitable proposition to counteract the crisis and to really change”. The Basic Income Network Italy (BIN Italia) will be present and talk at this meeting.

The meeting will be held at ESC Atelier Autogestito, in Via dei Volsci 159, Rome.


More information at:

[in Italian]

Basic Income Network Italy website.

Italy, Rome: 15 June Guaranteed income and technological innovation

Italy, Rome: 15 June Guaranteed income and technological innovation

On the 15th of June, 2017, there will be a presentation and debate of the new publication of the Italian Basic Income Network (BIN Italia) “Guaranteed income and technological innovation”, published with Asterios Editore.

The initiative will be held on Thursday, the 15th of June, from 7 pm to 9 pm at Millepiani Via Nicolò Odero 13, in Rome.

Giuseppe Bronzini
Sandro Gobetti
Giuseppe Allegri
Roberto Ciccarelli
Franco Berardi Bifo
Luigi Corvo
Pino Nicolisi


More information at:

[in Italian]

Sandro Gobetti, “Roma 15 giugno: Reddito garantito e innovazione tecnologica“, Basic Income Network Italia, 6th June 2017