Nick Barlow, “How did workism conquer the world?”

[Josh Martin]

Barlow’s blog discusses the fascination society holds today with what he calls “workism”: the obsession over working hard.  Barlow begins the post with a discussion on the inevitability of robots taking most jobs away, but he claims that workism stepped in to delay the inevitable.

Nick Barlow, “How did workism conquer the world?”, What You Can Get Away With, 14 September 2014.

(Source: What You Can Get Away With)

(Source: What You Can Get Away With)

Gaura Rader, “What if we Dropped Money Instead of Bombs on the Middle East?”

[Josh Martin]

Rader’s post discusses the failure of US foreign policy in the Middle East and the fact that terrorism surfaces most often in areas with extreme poverty.  In order to fight terrorism, Rader argues that developed nations should implement income subsidies to those in extreme poverty as a form of a global basic income.

Gaura Rader, “What if we Dropped Money Instead of Bombs on the Middle East?”, The Socratic Diablogs, 15 August 2014.

(Source: Socratic Diablogs)

(Source: Socratic Diablogs)

Simon Thorpe, “Why Mario Draghi and Mark Carney should be pushing for an Unconditional Basic Income for all”

[Josh Martin]

In his post, Thorpe argues for the European Central Bank and the Bank of England to begin giving an unconditional basic income to all citizens.  This would allow these central banks to directly control the amount of money in circulation.

Simon Thorpe, “Why  Mario Draghi and Mark Carney should be pushing for an Unconditional Basic Income for all”, Simon Thorpe’s Ideas on the Economy, 19 October 2014.

Simon Thorpe (Source: Simon Thorpe's Ideas on the Economy)

Simon Thorpe (Source: Simon Thorpe's Ideas on the Economy)

David Atkins, “Bipartisan consensus for universal basic income”

[Josh Martin]

Atkins rightly points out the lack of bipartisanship in American politics at the moment, but it seems the universal basic income is on pace to buck that trend.  While the basic income is off the mainstream political debate topics, a growing number of conservatives and progressives are supporting the policy, including Milton Friedman and Charles Murray.

David Atkins, “Bipartisan consensus for universal basic income”, Washington Monthly, 19 October 2014.

Old Sauk River, “Where Do We Go From Here”

[Josh Martin]

In this blog post, the author gathers multiple videos of people from Martin Luther King Jr. to Desmond Tutu discussing and supporting a universal basic income.  The author also includes recent political support on the basic income in countries like Iceland and Switzerland.  Overall, the author helps outline the current landscape for the universal basic income.

Old Sauk River, “Where Do We Go From Here”, Sauk River Review, 16 October 2014.

(Source: Sauk River Review)

(Source: Sauk River Review)