The Ethics of UBI in a Changing Economy
King’s College London
London, UK, April 24, 2020
Submission link:
Abstract registration deadline: February 28, 2020
Submission deadline: February 28, 2020
Final paper submission: April 10, 2020
The Department of Political Economy at King’s College London will host a full day interdisciplinary workshop on “The Ethics of UBI in a Changing Economy” in London on April 24, 2020.
The workshop focuses on Universal Basic Income from the interdisciplinary point of view of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Suggested topics include but are not limited to
- Sufficiency, equality, and the threshold for UBI
- Political economy and the institutional challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Unemployment and the citizen: conditional benefits or universal dividends?
- Enhancing freedom and autonomy in a changing economy
- Relational equality and democratic empowerment
- Open borders and the limits of the welfare state
The workshop tackles the theoretical issues surrounding the normative justification(s) for UBI and evaluate the practical feasibility of UBI in comparison to competing policy responses from a political economy perspective.
The organizers invite abstracts from scholars in various disciplines, including but not limited to political economy, citizenship studies, philosophy, and political theory. We especially welcome contributions from underrepresented groups in academia.
To apply, send your abstract of 300 words through easychair (first time users may have to register):
The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2020. Limited conference stipends will be available to speakers. The results will be announced within two weeks of the deadline. Accepted attendees will be asked to submit a manuscript (5000 words) by April 10, 2020.
If you have any further questions about the workshop, please send an email to the following address: (Please do NOT use this email address to submit abstracts or papers.)
Still hiding from the ethics of money creation?
Do you still think asking for an ethical justification for allowing some to borrow money into existence, simply to loan it to others for a profit, is incoherent?
Do you think the structural enslavement of humanity is ethical, or that no ethical justification is needed?
As a respected economist, do you believe it’s ethical for some to borrow money into existence from bank, and buy sovereign debt for a profit?
Forcing humanity to make the payments on money for Wealth?
Why don’t you feel moral justification, is reasonable, rational, expected, for money creation, when we are all compelled to participate in the monetary system?
There must be some explanation