The Albert Shanker Institute — a Washington DC-based nonprofit organization that promotes research and discussion related to education, work, and democracy — will be hosting a conference on “The Challenge of Precarious Labor” on Monday, December 5.

BIEN cofounder Guy Standing, widely known for his writings on the precariat (the class of precariously employed workers), will participate in the first panel, “The Political Economy of Precarious Labor”.

Themes of other panels include “Precarious Labor in Labor Law and Policy”, “Organizing Precarious Labor” and “Organizing Academic Precarious Labor”. Overall, the conference’s stated aims are to “develop a deeper understanding of changes in the political economy of global capitalism that have led the increasing prevalence of precarious work,” share experiences among those involved in organizing precarious labor, from the service sector and domestic work to adjuncts in higher education,” and “discuss how to address the rise of precarious work through law and public policy.”

The event will not be streamed live; however, it will be filmed, and videos will be available after the conference.

See the following page for a complete schedule and more information:

Reviewed by Genevieve Shanahan

Photo Credit: Enno Schmidt