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8 years ago
This sounds like good material to update, at least, one of Carrol Quigley’s works[1] for historical analysis and Paul Kennedy’s works[2] regarding guns and butter. It does remind me of one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s wonderful stories about a fellow who offers to work at low wages for a merchant.
[1] The Evolution of Civilizations | Carroll Quigley | 1961
[2] The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, | Paul Kennedy | 1987
Founded in Manchester, summer 2016, World Basic Income (WBI) campaigns for the introduction of a universal and unconditional basic income through research, pilot studies, and outreach. It describes itself as a “not-for-profit multi-stakeholder co-operative, which is currently led by four directors.”
WBI is keen to develop partnerships with like-minded organizations, academics, and individuals, to build a strong research and campaign base together. They are also seeking volunteers and online promoters to help build awareness.
See their website for more info: worldbasicincome.org.uk
Photo: Logo by World Basic Income.