BIEN co-founder and honorary co-president Guy Standing will be speaking about basic income as a human right at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights, which will be held in Malmö on November 16.

The Swedish Forum for Human Rights is Scandinavia’s largest annual forum about human rights–drawing over 2,000 attendees from schools, universities, businesses, government offices, non-governmental organizations, and more.

The forum was created in 2000, when a coalition of groups–the association Ordfront, the Academy of Democracy, the Foundation for Human Rights, the Stockholm School of Theology, and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs–decided to create a space in which to connect research and practice in fields related to human rights. Since 2004, the Swedish Forum for Human Rights has convened annually in November, with the location alternating between Stockholm and another Swedish city.

The theme of the 2016 forum is “It’s about your rights!”

We all share the same human rights but what are these rights and what do they entail? In what way does this affect you in everyday life? How do you gain knowledge about your rights? Today, the state’s obligation to uphold human right is often lacking and civil society and activists have to assume responsibility. How does this affect people’s opportunity to obtain their rights and what happens to the accountability? During a time when so many are seeking refuge, the right to asylum risks being threatened. How can it be protected?

For more information about the event, including a complete list of speakers, see:

Reviewed by Ali Özgür Abalı

Photo: “Stockhom Uni subway” CC BY 2.0 Wrote