As Director of Policy and Strategy at the UK’s Royal Society of Arts (RSA), Anthony Painter has been instrumental in researching and promoting universal basic income, coauthoring an important report on the topic that was published last December.

On June 11, 2016, Painter took part in a TEDx event in Birmingham. The video of his talk is now available online.

We need a platform, but we’ve built a cage. The platform we need is a wedge of freedom, a foundation of security, a support for people to care for their families, their communities, to try new things, to unleash their creativity, maybe try a new business, to get to qualifications, to learn new things. … The platform we need is a universal basic income.

Watch the video here:

Anthony Painter, “We need a platform, but we’ve built a cage,” TEDxBrum; uploaded July 5, 2016.

Photo CC Evan Long (flickr)