Daily Kos

Daily Kos

SUMMARY: This article argues that there will come a day when most human labor is outmoded, replaced by machines. The author the argues, “And what do we do on that day – or rather, on the daisy-chain of days, months and years that Great Shedding will likely fall across? There are a lot of bad options, but maybe at least a few good ones. I’m personally a fan of the UBI – Universal Basic Income – in which the government drops all unemployment and other social safety net programs, including Social Security, in favor of a baseline, lifetime income (say, just above poverty level) for every American citizen. You want to work anyway? Great. Your work income is icing on the cake. The UBI is yours whether your other income is seven figures or none.”

Jaxpagan, “Your Services Are No Longer Required – The Coming “Great Idleness.the Daily Kos, Aug 12, 2014