The Seventh International Basic Income Week begins tomorrow (Monday, September 15, 2014) and runs through Sunday, September 21. Basic Income (BI) week is “a yearly event for promotion of Basic Income.” BI is an unconditional cash income granted to all citizens without means test or work requirement. BI week will include dozens of events in at least nine countries and cyberspace events originating from more than six more countries.
The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)’s contribution to BI Week will be a series of live internet interviews called “AMAs” (“Ask Me Anything”), in which people all around the world will be able to type in questions and have them answered live by experts. Participants will include some of the key activists who have brought basic income to the forefront of contemporary politics; noted authors such as Peter Barnes and Marshall Brain; experts in fields such as economics, philosophy, sociology, Christianity, feminism, and automation. Participants will be from countries all around the world including, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Qatar, Korea, Japan, and more. There will be at least one and as many as four AMAs per day all week. Karl Widerquist, co-chair of BIEN, will kick off the AMA series starting at Noon (Eastern Time, USA) on Monday, September 15. Louise Haagh, co-chair, and Anja Askeland, secretary of BIEN will close the series with an AMA starting at 1pm (Eastern Time, USA) on September 21.
BI Week in Austria includes lectures, workshops, discussions, free meals, radio shows, and a street action. The Belgian program includes events French and English in all three Belgian regions. Basic Income UK will launch of a UBI support statement during International UBI week, with a discussion about basic income on September 16th 19:00 tot 21:00 in London. BI Week in the Czech Republic will include a film, an outdoor workshop, and even a drum jam session for basic income. Events in France will take place in Nantes, Paris, Bordeaux, Nice, and Montpellier, and they will include films, lectures, discussions, and a conference. The largest and most diverse program of BI Week events will be in Germany, which has scheduled 5 to 11 events each day all across the country. The Hungarian program includes three days of discussions; a debate; a forum bringing together a politician, an economist, and an activist; a film; an activist program for the BIG Movement. BIN Italy presents a BI Week meeting entitled, “Fundamental Rights: Europe and the Guaranteed Income.” The program for the Netherlands includes events in Amsterdam, Borger, Tilburg, Zoetermeer, and several other cities.
Links to BI Week events