Shawn Cassiman (Source:

Shawn Cassiman (Source:

The Seventh International Basic Income Week started on Monday with events scheduled all over the world as well as a series of “Ask Me Anything” threads on Reddit. Among the latest to host AMAs are Ann Withorn and Shawn Cassiman, Mike Howard, Hyosang Ahn, and Pablo Yanes.

Ann Withorn (Source: Derrick Cazard Foundation)

Ann Withorn (Source: Derrick Cazard Foundation)

Ann Withorn, Ph.D. is Professor of Social Policy, Emeritus, at the University of Massachusetts/Boston.  Her main work revolves around issues of economic justice, women’s poverty, and radical social movements.  Shawn Cassiman, MSW, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio.  Her research largely focuses on the impact of structural violence, especially on women, and policies that lead to a more just society. Their AMA, hosted on the Two X Chromosomes subreddit focuses on the effects of a basic income on women and its ability to address the ramifications of neoliberalism.

Mike Howard is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maine and is the author of Self-management and the Crisis of Socialism, the editor of Socialism, and a co-editor of two books on Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend.  He also serves as coordinator of the US Basic Income Guarantee Network. Specifically, Howard is an expert on socialist philosophy, the Alaska dividend, and on cap and dividend proposals.  His AMA contains a great discussion about socialism in the modern political climate as well as questions about the Alaska Permanent Fund.

Mike Howard (Source: Bangor Daily News)

Mike Howard (Source: Bangor Daily News)

Hyosang Ahn is the Director of the Basic Income Korean Network and is editor of Left MonthlyHis AMA, although short, contains information on the basic income movement in South Korea.

Pablo Yanes (Source:

Pablo Yanes (Source:

Pabo Yanes is from Mexico and is working on advocating a basic income as a basic human right.  His AMA focuses on whether a basic income is feasible in developing countries.

On top of these AMAs, there have been organized events all over the world this week about the basic income.  A list of all events is online at:

The Basic Income Subreddit is online at:

Information about the grown of the BI Subreddit is online at: