SUMMARY: “In recent months, discussion of basic income proposals have become fairly mainstream, but not so mainstream that most people know what the phrase ‘basic income’ means. With that in mind, here are the basics (get it?) of the idea, in [answers to the following] eleven questions.”

1) What is basic income?
2) Who supports basic income?
3) Has a basic income been implemented anywhere?
4) Wouldn’t this destroy the economy?
5) Could a basic income ever happen in the United States?
6) I believe it’s customary to provide a music break? [“Money for Nothing”]
7) Will a basic income save us from the robot uprising?
8 ) What’s the liberal/leftist case for basic income?
9) What’s the conservative/libertarian case for basic income?
10) What’s the liberal/leftist case against basic income?
11) What’s the conservative/libertarian case against basic income?

Dylan Matthews, “Basic income: the world’s simplest plan to end poverty, explained.Vox, September 8, 2014

