[Josh Martin]

Frank voices a few objections to Zwolinski’s original post on the basic income at Cato Unbound.  Frank agrees that a basic income would be preferable to the current system, but he fears that a basic income that raises a family out of poverty would never be politically sustainable.  Hardworking taxpayers might soon hear about others who live off of their basic incomes and create animosity between the two groups.  However, Frank does not write off a basic income entirely.  Instead, he advocates a basic income that is not a livable amount paired with public work opportunities at sub-minimum wage levels.  This would make poverty effectively a choice in his eyes, since everybody could find work that would raise them above the poverty line.

Robert Frank, “Let’s Try a Basic Income and Public Work”, Cato Unbound, 11 August 2014.

Cato Unbound is hosting a month-long discussion on "The Basic Income and the Welfare State"

Cato Unbound is hosting a month-long discussion on "The Basic Income and the Welfare State"