[Josh Martin]

Gobry, a self-identified right-winger, used to support a basic income like many other conservatives have in the past; now, he doesn’t.  Gobry understands the allure of the basic income, but in this critique of the basic income, Gobry uses an analysis from Jim Manzi of a set of randomized field trials from the 60’s to the 90’s in the USA and Canada to “prove” that the basic income fails.  Science is on his side, he claims.  To him, the only welfare policies that successfully place people into work are the policies with work requirements.

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “Progressives’ hot new poverty-fighting idea has just one basic problem: Science”, The Week, 21 July 2014.

People need to work, not just for income, but emotional health. (Source: The Week)

People need to work, not just for income, but emotional health. (Source: The Week)