[Josh Martin]

In this article Aziz discusses Germany’s recent legislation to introduce a minimum wage far higher than the USA’s current minimum wage.  Aziz notes that many on the left have used Germany’s success as an example of what Washington should be trying to pass in America.  However, Aziz believes that an increased minimum wage is a 20th century solution to a 21st century problem.  With ever-increasing automation of jobs through advances in robotics, a time will come when robots replace many low-wage jobs, thus leaving many workers unemployed.  This is why Aziz believes a basic income is the correct route out of this issue.  A higher minimum wage will not help those in low-pay jobs when robots continue to replace them.  Instead, a basic income should be introduced to ensure the well-being of the newly displaced workers.

John Aziz “The progressive case for ending the minimum wage”, The Week, 14 July 2014.

Meet the new boss. (Source: The Week)

Meet the new boss. (Source: The Week)