Michael Bohmeyer, a 29 year old IT professional and basic income activist raises money for a project named Mein Grundeinkommen (my basic income) via crowdfunding, were people can win a basic income of 1.000 Euro per month payed for one year. Within only 22 days almost 500 people donated 12.000 Euro for the first winner to be drawn soon. Bohmeyer wants to find out how the winners will use the money and how it may make a difference in their life. The project has attracted a lot of attention in German media.
For more information (in German) see: Mein Grundeinkommen
For an interview in English with Michael Bohmeyer see:
Chris Köver, “A German Guy Wants to Give You a Bunch of Money for Nothing.” Vice, Aug 14 2014.
Awesome. Is the raffle limited to citizens of Germany, or can anyone enter? Also, do you know if anyone has plans to make a USA-based version? Thanks ahead of time if you can find any info…