This year’s International Basic Income Week is scheduled to run from September 15–21, 2014. Preparations are already under way in Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The organizers invite all basic income initiatives and activists to spread the efforts within Europe and beyond.
In 2008 basic income initiatives from German speaking countries initiated the first International Week for a Basic Income ( with the aim of creating visibility for this simple and beautiful idea by bundling events and actions during the 38th week of the year.
In 2014 the international website was created. This reflects the Europeanization of the Basic Income Week based on the citizen initiatives in the European Union and Switzerland that led to the creation of the new European alliance called UBIE (Unconditional Basic Income Europe). Building on these recent developments, the 7th International Basic Income Week will have more countries participating than ever before.
The first confirmed events for Austria have already been announced ( Groups in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Romania, Slovenia and the UK are thinking about how to get involved.
In the call for participation, UBIE draws attention to the fact that Europe is facing increasingly violent conflicts, both within EU countries and on the EU periphery. According to the organizers, “Considering this explosive context, we want to highlight the current social and democratic significance of Unconditional Basic Income: it can become the basis for ‘Building Social Cohesion in Europe.’ This is the motto of this year’s Basic Income Week.”
Of course the issue of conflicts and the need for social cohesion is not limited to Europe, and so the organizers give the following message:
“We want you to be a part of the 7th International Basic Income Week.
- Organize an event.
Coordinate the efforts in your country. - Show the world that you are a part of it on
- Contact us:
- Let’s make this a truly international effort.”