David Graeber -wikimedia

David Graeber -wikimedia

Following up to their 9-minute story on basic income, the PBS News Hour (United States) has published a text interview with David Graeber on the topic of basic income. Graeber, a professor of anthropology and the London School of Economics, is a leader of the Occupy Movement, and he has recently become an outspoken advocate of basic income. Paul Solman’s conducted the interview in which Graeber discusses how a basic income would liberate people from wage slavery.

Paul Solman, “Why America’s favorite anarchist thinks most American workers are slaves [interview of David Graeber].” The PBS News Hour, April 17, 2014.

A guaranteed basic income gives everyone access to the market, liberating workers to do the work they want to do, says London School of Economics professor David Graeber. Photo by Cole Hawkins/The Image Bank via Getty Images via PBS.

A guaranteed basic income gives everyone access to the market, liberating workers to do the work they want to do, says London School of Economics professor David Graeber. Photo by Cole Hawkins/The Image Bank via Getty Images via PBS.