This London Futurists Hangout On Air assembles an international panel of writers who have important things to say on the subject of the future of work: James Hughes, Martin Ford, Gary Marchant, and Marshall Brain. The panellists will be debating:

  • Are contemporary predictions of technological unemployment just repeating short-sighted worries from the 19th century “Luddites”?
  • What scope is there for a “Basic Income Guarantee” to address the needs of everyone who will struggle to find work in the new age of smarter robots?
  • What lessons can be learned from history, and from local experiments in different parts of the world?
  • How soon should society be preparing for the kinds of major changes that new generations of robots will bring?

The speakers will respond to live questions from viewers all over the world. Viewers of the live broadcast on Google+ will be able to vote in real time on questions and suggestions to be discussed by the panellists as the Hangout proceeds. Viewers can give ‘+1’ votes to the suggestions they most like.

Event logistics:
Title: “Hangout on Air: Hughes, Brain @ Robots, unemployment, and basic income”
Date & time: Sunday, May 11, 2014 – 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

London Futurists

London Futurists