Rob Rainer, on behalf of Basic Income Canada Network released the inaugural campaign plan for The BIG Push—an effort to move the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) into the political mainstream in Canada. See an earlier story that appeared on BI News on Nov. 17, 2013.

Rob Rainer

Rob Rainer

The plan was approved last Thursday evening by the Board of Directors of BICN. It identifies 46 tactics supporting the three external campaign goals and three internal goals, the latter concerning team building, communications and fundraising. Much of the campaign effort in 2014 will be aimed at the Canadian federal parliament, working towards the 2015 federal election when there is opportunity to make basic income a prominent feature of that contest. According to Rainer, “There is ample work to be done in raising public awareness and building public support for a BIG. Happily, there are encouraging signs of growing awareness and materializing support.”

“[O]vercoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.” -Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), from BICN

A modest budget of $300,000 for 2014 has been established in support of the plan. BICN expects that to reach this will require extensive fundraising, with expectation that much of the funding will materialize from individuals. They also aspire to raise funds from faith groups, unions and professional associations. According to BIEN, “Any leads for funding prospects and any support for helping us meet and surpass our revenue targets will be deeply appreciated.” Rainer writes, “If you have any questions about any aspect of the plan or would like further information, please contact me. Thank you for your keen interest in basic income: let’s make 2014 a breakthrough year for basic income security for all Canadians.”

For more information:

See the BIG Push Campaign website:

Or the Campaign Plan and Budget (in PDF for):

Or contact: Rob Rainer, Director, The BIG Push Campaign at:

The BIG Push Campaign of the Basic Income Network Canada

The BIG Push Campaign of the Basic Income Network Canada