This article begins a rather philosophical discussion of basic income with the following, “What if America were to scrap all its anti-poverty programmes—welfare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, the works—and replace them with an unconditional basic income (UBI) for everybody? Even in a Congress beset by less extraordinary levels of dysfunction, the idea would have little chance of becoming law. It’s fun to theorise, though. And if Switzerland approves a referendum to send all of its citizens $2,800 a month, the debate will have a fascinating new reference point.”
The Economist, “The check is in the mail: A government-guaranteed basic income,” The Economist, Nov 19th 2013.
One of the responsibilities of government is to ensure that everyone works for a living. There should not be welfare states where people can exist on unemployment benefits. Change the tax systems so that companies can compete and get back the jobs that have been created in China and elsewhere. People have to work for a living or the economy is doomed. The market place is being ignored.