The Occupy Strategy Group has included the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) on its top 10 list of recommended strategic objectives. The group is an email list of over 100 people who have met to craft strategy for the Occupy Movement. The group reviewed surveys, research, emails, articles, and other sources. After intense deliberations—and with the desire to be as inclusive as possible—the group chose 10 recommendations based on urgency, doability, and degree of impact.


BIG is included not once but twice on the list. Item 5 is “Replace all entitlements with a Basic Income Guarantee.” Item 10 is “Institute a carbon and other natural resource use tax based on ‘full resource use accounting’ and allocate the revenue derived from it for a Basic Income Guarantee.” The group quotes the USBIG network for a definition of BIG, “‘The Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) is a government ensured guarantee that no one’s income will fall below the level necessary to meet their most basic needs for any reason.’ – The U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network,

Other items on the list include the following: Abolish Corporate Personhood. Nationalize health care. Establish a strong “commons” to protect the Earth and nourish community. Enact a sustainable large scale energy, jobs, and environmental recovery program. Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Discontinue the practice of using federal reserve notes to back US currency and replace them with U.S. notes. Dismantle the CIA; end private military forces and prohibit private intelligence agencies. Stop the Patriot Act, NDAA and Drones.

The group invites individuals to join their ongoing conversation about current and future studies of strategic objectives by going to the following website:

For more information see the following web page: “Occupy Strategy Group’s Top 10 Recommended Strategic Objectives,” InterOccupy, first published October 11, 2013:

Or contact the Occupy Strategy Group at: