[Craig Axford]

Fulfilling One Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dreams: A Basic Income Guarantee -International Business Times

Fulfilling One Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dreams: A Basic Income Guarantee -International Business Times

In this recent post in The Hill, Alan Sheahen reminds us that a basic income guarantee (BIG) is not a new idea. Dr. Martin Luther King advocated for it writing in 1967 “I am now convinced that the simplest solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a new widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” In 1969, a Presidential Commission voted 22-0 in favour of the concept, and in 1972 the Democratic Party included BIG in its platform. Sheahen argues it’s time we revisited a basic income guarantee. “The U.S. is a wealthy nation…A basic income guarantee would establish economic security as a universal right.”

Allan Sheahen, “Fulfilling One Of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dreams: A Basic Income Guarantee,” International Business Times, August 20 2013 1:51 PM

Reprinted as: Allan Sheahen, “America needs a basic income guarantee The Hill, August 21, 2013