[Robin Ketelaars – Vereniging Basisinkomen]
Just before the election of the 18th German Bundestag a BIG demo will take place. The demonstration will be held on the 14th of September 2013 starting at 13:00 in Berlin at the Neptunbrunnen.
The demonstration is titled: “Unconditional Basic Income – Liberty meets Justice” and is organized by the German network for Basic Income (Netzwerk Grundeinkommen) in coöperation with the European Citizens Initiative for Basic Income (ECI-UBI). So this event is not only a German event.
The participants will start at Neptunbrunnen and will walk towards the Swiss embassy. Switserland is not a part of the EU, but also fighting for a BI [1]. In front of the Swiss embassy most of the representatives of the ECI-UBI from all the participating countries will make a 30-second statement about BI.
In the evening a book launch and book reading will take place in the House of Democracy and Human Rights. There guests from all over Europe can meet and greet.
More info (in German): https://grundeinkommen-ist-ein-menschenrecht.blogspot.de
[1] A Swiss petition drive has collected more than the 100,000 signatures necessary to trigger a referendum on introducing Basic Income in Switzerland. https://binews.org/2013/08/switzerland-initiative-claims-enough-signatures-to-trigger-a-referendum-on-big/
As a German living over twenty years in Austria I couldn´t sign the petition because my passport number could not be recognized.
And here is the English version of the mentioned UBI demonstration’s press release, same time the shedule: http://grundeinkommen-ist-ein-menschenrecht.blogspot.de/2013/08/press-release.html