Can't Survive on 7.25

[USBIG – April 2013]

Stephen Fortunato, “The Fraud of Jobs,” Buddhist Peace Fellowship. February 25, 2013

This article exposes what the author sees as the widely held misconception that the creation of jobs is the motivating objective behind most U.S. economic policy. It argues that we need to shift from the focus on job creation to the focus on meeting people’s needs through a basic income guarantee. The article concludes, “the prevailing ludicrous insistence that people obtain jobs that do not exist — or which are being phased out into oblivion — is a cruel fabrication that will result in nothing but the continued dystopian consequences of poverty, marginalization, and oppression.”

The Author, Stephen Fortunato was a trial judge on the Rhode Island Superior Court for thirteen years after serving as a civil rights lawyer for more than two decades.  He has been a Zen practitioner for at least forty years.

The article is online at:

Stephen Fortunato