This special issue of Homo Oeconomicus, edited by Ao Yumin and Ulrich Steinvorth, requests submission of papers answering questions such as:

  • What are the reasons to demand a basic income?
  • What would be the consequences of its introduction?
  • What are the reasons or motives to reject or distrust it?
  • Can, or how far can, basic income counteract unemployment?
  • Should it, or how far should it, promote a life independent of salaried jobs?
  • What kind of activities should basic income promote or can it be expected to promote?
  • What should be the amount of basic income?
  • What are alternatives to basic income?
  • What can established institutions of basic income tell us about its future and possibilities?

Papers can be written both in an academic and in a more popular style accessible to a broader public and apt to impact the public opinion. Proposals are to be sent to and The deadline for the papers, which must be preceded by an abstract, are expected for December 1st, 2013.

Homo Oeconomicus, is online at: