In this paper, Andrés Felipe MORA CORTÉS criticizes the “contribution principle” in order to rediscover the transforming dimension of the social policy in the process of configuring a society that ensures the “right to existence”. Progress, the author argues, must be made towards breaking the “wage dependence” over economic and social rights and advance towards the guarantee of voluntary full employment. Vindication of the transforming dimension of the social policy lies in scorning the liberal notion of citizenship and breaking the close and deep connection between contribution principle, the myths that support it, and the social policy. Today, the individual, unconditional and universal basic income model constitutes a fundamental element for contemporary renewal of the social policy in terms of its reunion with its transforming dimension. The citizen’s basic income also offers an alternative to the diverse institutional configurations of the State of welfare and the social protection systems “moving a step forward”.

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Full references: MORA CORTÉS, Andrés Felipe (2012), ‘Social policy and social transformation: the citizen’s basic income and the end of the contribution principle’, CriDIS Working paper 31, December 2012, Louvain University, Belgium.

Andrés Felipe MORA CORTÉS is a Political Scientist (Master in Economics from the National University of Colombia), PhD Candidate in Political Science in the Université Catholique de Louvain, and Researcher of the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Démocratie, Institutions et Subjectivité CriDIS <>