Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party in Canada and an MP in British Columbia recently endorsed basic income. The endorsement of a “Guaranteed Livable Income” came through a press release on October 17, the United Nations (UN) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. May’s press release reminds her audience that the Green Party is the only political party in Canada to advocate for a basic income as a means to eradicate poverty. The endorsement occurring on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is an apt response to the UN resolution for all member states to create and implement concrete strategies to eliminate poverty.
More about her remarks can be found online at:
One noble step toward social justice and equality. It takes a gut to stand for such a cause.A universal basic income that include all Canadians,could help to ensure that all Canadians have sufficient income o meet their basic needs and to live with dignity.
I was wondering if I would vote again for the Green Party… This has convinced me that yes, I would again. ^^ Unless another party endorses it too. This could make the decision harder.
Now, with this, it’s two party that I support that are for basic income. ^^ At the provincial level (Québec), I’m a militant member of the Québec solidaire party, which also endorses basic income.