A Survey by Europe & Me and FutureLab Europe, conducted for the Europe@debate at the European Foundation Center Conference in Belfast, 7 June 2012.

This article is about a survey conducted in April-May 2012 among 464 young Europeans concerning the social justice in Europe and UBI. The survey consisted of multiple choice questions and place for comments. According to the survey, large number of respondents (73%) answered that they believe social welfare policy in Europe should get more harmonized. Also, survey results show that the opinion about the implementation of UBI is polarized with more females being in favor and most males being against it. When asked about the advantages of the UBI, most responded that it would provide securer social safety net. In relation to the disadvantages, most believed that it will give people incentives not to work. In the survey, to the question about their choice of ideal distribution of wealth, most picked the “utopian” model. The outcomes of the survey showed that the older was the responder, more in favor of basic income one was.

“Social Justice in Europe: The Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a Model for the Future”. – April-May 2012.

Social Justice in Europe: The Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a Model for the Future. (April-May 2012). Europe & Me, FutureLab Europe, online at: