In this article published in Natural Finance, Pascal J. argues that giving social dividends to citizens would benefit society and economy alike. Social dividend is a variation of basic income given to citizens to meet their basic needs. According to Pascal, this will bring a nation to equal partnership in which its revenue will be tax income from its members. Also, this system would allow wealth to be redistributed more broadly through taxes and social dividends, which will bring more money with future sales. At the same time, this would break the cycle of making poor people poorer and rich people want to save more by making more people credit worthy to buy things they want and spend more. Other advantages of social dividends that the author lists is making democracy more democratic as everyone will be receiving the same benefit, eliminating the need for youth to work more to benefit the old, allowing poor people to keep their official work without being couth in the social welfare benefit trap, and reducing the need for underground criminal activities.

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