UNITED NATIONS: UN Report Calls for Social Protection Floor

On October 27, 2011, a high-level United Nations panel released a report calling for guaranteeing basic “income and services” for all. The report, entitled Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization, did not specifically call for basic income but the “ floor would guarantee basic income in the form of social transfers in cash or kind, such as pensions, child benefits, employment guarantees and services for the unemployed and working poor, while providing universal access to essential affordable social services in health, water and sanitation, education, food, housing, and other services defined according to national priorities.”

UN Story on the report with a link to the full text of the report is online at:

LIBYA: CNN editorial suggests “Alaska Solution” to the resource curse

Libya has been a classic case of the resource curse: enormous resource wealth (even on a per-person basis), but instead of prosperity, the windfall has coincided with poverty and political oppression. The new government now has the job of finding a way to lift the curse on Libya. A recent editorial by Kevin Voigt of CNN suggests that one of the best ways to do so would be to embrace, what he calls, the “Alaska solution:” distribute some of the oil revenue directly to the people. The article examines other cases such as Norway, Mongolia, and Bolivia to find lessons for how to avoid the resource curse and to bolster the case for the Alaska solution.

The editorial, “The ‘resource curse’: An Alaskan solution for Libya?” by Kevin Voigt of CNN
September 6, 2011, is online at:

OPINION: “Will the bud of basic income come out in Japan?”

A Refundable Tax Credit Scheme for Low-Income Earners under Consideration by the Government

Discussions on the reform of Japan’s tax system are currently gaining momentum. They are to be considered within the framework of the recovery efforts from the great disaster of March 2011, and take place under the policy of “integrated reform of social security and tax system” of the government led by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).

Increasing income tax and accession tax on wealthy citizens are under consideration. The income tax system formerly had 19 levels and its maximum marginal rate was 70%. In order to stimulate Japan’s economic recovery, the tax rate on high-income earners has been kept lower, and the entire system now has only six levels. The maximum marginal rate on incomes over 18,000 thousand JPY (around 234 thousand USD) per year has stayed at only 40% until today (Asahi Newspaper, 2011/11/22). It seems that the redistributive character of the tax system is under threat.

Despite this, the increase of the consumption tax, which taxes daily consumption of average and even low income citizens, is now central to the agenda of political actors. After 2013 the consumption tax rate (now 5%) is going to be increased up to 10%, by two steps.

It is common sense to say that consumption tax system entails heavier burden on lower income earners. Thus increasing consumption tax rates would boost a sense of inequity about taxation among Japanese citizens. In response to it, the introduction of lower rates on essential goods, and a uniform cash payment for low income earners is considered. However, a high level authority in the government-official said that these measures for low income earners are unnecessary for a consumption tax system with 10%. Such measures for low income earners are commonly used in consumption tax systems over the last half of ten percents (Yomiuri Newspaper, 2011/11/10).

In this context, the idea of a cash benefit under the form of a refundable tax credit scheme for low income earners is discussed within an expert group of the Tax System Council of the government. Furthermore, an influential politician, who is said by many to be an expert of finance-tax systems, announced his intention to consider a refundable tax credit system in his platform during the 2008 presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party (the former ruling party). These facts were revealed in the Newsletter of Basic Income Advocates Group, Japan (2011/11/26).

DPJ’s manifest for the last general election does not include any basic income idea and it seems that there is no real discussion on it within the party. Nonetheless, the DPJ first administration introduced a “child benefit” scheme paying 13,000 JPY (around 169 USD) per month regardless of the parents’ income (the actual amount was a half of the amount that they had promised in their platform). Although its unconditionality leads to the idea of a universal basic income, the DPJ was not aware of it, and they have already accepted to reform the scheme in order to introduce an income-test, due to pressure from the opposition parties.

Another main attraction in their manifesto was the integration of public pension systems, and the idea of funding a Guaranteed Minimum Pension (70,000 JPY, around 910 USD per month) with government’s fiscal revenues. This was an income security for elderly citizens but seems to be almost forgotten by the DPJ. Under these circumstances, the prospects of the refundable tax credit system for low income earners remain unclear.

What is made clear by these developments is that regardless whether the government openly favors basic income idea or not, the very idea of a basic income (even in partial or any other form) has become realistic, and is now an inevitable agenda item in the reform of Japan’s reformation of tax and transfer system.

CANADA: Prince Edward Island Green Party Endorses BIG

Sharon Labchuck, the leader of the Green Party of Prince Edward Island, finds interest on the idea of a “guaranteed liveable income”. According to the Canadian Guardian, she described it as “a bold idea but one worth pursuing”. The Green Party and their tax suggestions became subject of discussion in an all-candidates debate for the election in the beginning of October 2011. In particular Robert Ghiz, leader of the winning Liberals, found some of the suggested tax policies interesting and considerable.  The Green Party, however, could not gain any of the seats in October.

Wolfgang Müller – BI News


BRAZIL: Suplicy campaigns for basic income

Senator Eduardo Suplicy spent three months campaigning as a “pre-candidate” for the Workers Party nomination for Mayor of Sao Paulo. He based his campaign almost entirely on the idea of creating a Basic Income at the municipal level. On November 6, 2011 he secured a promise from another pre-candidate Fernando Haddad, the current Minister of Education, that he would incorporate some of Suplicy’s proposal into his own plan. Although Haddad did not offer any specifics, Suplicy, who has three years left to go in his Senate term, agreed to drop out of the race and endorse Haddad.