Harada, Yutaka (2010), “Basic Income will eliminate poverty: A Basic Income for All rather than Welfare Benefits” Chuo Koron (Monthly) Vol. 125-6, June 2010, published by Chuo koron Publishing, Co, Ltd.
This article is in Japanese.
Abstract: The author presents a BI scheme which pays every adults (between 20 and 64 years old) 70,000 JPY (around 84 USD) a month without tests on means, work willingness, dependents. He argues that it is financially affordable by cutting off a half of the budgets for useless public works, aids for farmers and minor businesses, and abolishing the present welfare benefit system not covering the real needy. He offers counterarguments against expected criticisms.
Author: Mr. Yutaka Managing Director/Chief Economist at the Daiwa Institute of Research. He is a former economist at the Japanese Finance Ministry