[Josh Martin]
In a recent publication the Scottish Green Party stated its plan for a basic income (called a citizen’s income in their writing) for Scotland if they vote for independence in the upcoming referendum. With the slogan of “Green Yes”, the Scottish Greens agree with the UK Greens on supporting a basic income. In the eight-page publication, the Scottish Greens discuss why a citizen’s income is the right way forward by highlighting the flaws of the current system and the benefits a citizen’s income would bring to Scotland.
The document also outlines their initial plan for a citizen’s income in Scotland: £50 a week for children and young people under sixteen, £100 a week for 16-18 year olds and working-age adults, and £150 a week for pensioners, totaling just under £1 billion to implement. They then go on to discuss funding options for such a policy. In sum the Scottish Greens call upon voters to vote yes to independence in hopes that they could then implement this policy.
To read the publication, follow the links below:
Scottish Green Party, “Citizen’s Income”, Green Yes briefing note, 10 August 2014.
“Greens Publish Citizen’s Income Plan for Fairer Scotland”, Scottish Green Party, 10 August 2014.
The Scottish Green Party Supports a Citizen's Income (Source: Scottish Green Party)