The Ctitizen’s Income Trusts (the BIEN affiliate in the United Kingdom) 2014 Conference, “Citizen’s Income: a solid foundation for tomorrow’s society,” held on Friday 6th June 2014 at the British Library, has been captured on video and posted on the Occupy London website. A report will be will follow later.

The main speakers included: Natalie Bennett (Leader of the Green Party), Dr. Tony Fitzpatrick (Nottingham University), John McDonnell MP, and Professor Guy Standing (SOAS); the panel members: Neal Lawson (Compass), Bert Schouwenberg (GMB), Kat Wall (New Economics Foundation), Natalie Bennett (Green Party), and Chris Goulden (Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Eight videos from the conference are available at:

Citizens Income Trust, “Citizen’s Income Trust Conference 2014: Livestream,” Occupy London. recorded June 6, 2013, posted June 8, 2014.

Citizens Income Trust

Citizens Income Trust