Scott Santens, advocate for basic income and moderator of the Basic Income community on Reddit, on Monday announced his intention to crowdfund his own poverty level basic income through his writing and advocacy with the use of Patreon, a Kickstarter-like site meant to enable fans of content creators to support their freely distributed works. According to Patreon, content creators there currently receive over $1 million each month from over 125,000 patrons.
As stated in his announcement in the Basic Income community on Reddit, his intent is to free himself to focus on helping build the movement full-time, and to inspire others to join him in doing the same. He further states that if his goal of $1,000 per month is reached, that anything earned above it, he will “pledge to others setting the same goal and pledging to do the same in return for others” and he is calling this goal, “The BIG Patreon Creator Pledge.”
To learn more, his crowdfunding page on Patreon can be found at:
Scott Santens, “The BIG Patreon Creator Pledge“, Reddit, 13 October 2014.
Patreon, “Creators on Patreon Receive Over 1,000,000 per Month From Patrons“, Patreon, 11 October 2014.