BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

OPINION: The Answer is Blowin´ in the Wind

Every time I read about the lives lost in the wars of Vietnam and Iraq, in the repression against movements pro-democratization in many Arabian countries, in the recurring conflicts at the borders of Israel and Palestine, in lamentable episodes that killed Chico...

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Review: Vladimir Rys, Reinventing Social Security Worldwide

This book is the fruit of a lifetime of academic research and administrative experience in international social security policy. Rys worked for thirty years for the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and for half of that time as its General Secretary, and there can be few people with such a broad geographical and historical overview of the evolution of social security (here understood as financial benefits and also state insurance-funded health provision) and of the challenges facing it.

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Review: Ruth Lister, Understanding Theories and Concepts in Social Policy

Not only is this a most useful textbook, but it is also a sustained argument for the usefulness of theory. The back cover says that the book is for students and their teachers, but because it constantly draws connections between social science theory and practical social policy it will also be read with profit by social policy practitioners.

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Review: Bernd Marin and Eszter Zólyomi (eds), Women's Work and Pensions: What is Good, What is Best?

The chapters of this book started life at a conference organised by the European Centre in Vienna, and it is therefore unsurprising that they contain more about Austria than about any other individual country; but there is still plenty of diversity, and the single country and comparative studies of recent changes in pensions provision contain material on a variety of European countries, including the UK.

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I Have a Basic Income (May 30, 2010)

[This article was originally published as part of 'the Basic Income Guarantee Blog on I reprint it here exactly as it was published then.] In a period of about eight months, I managed to save and invest enough money to get myself a small personal basic...

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OPINION: Essay: On Work

I need to work, in order to make something of my life.
I need to work, in order to gain the recognition of my fellow citizens.
I need to work, in order to feed my nearest and dearest.
I need to work, in order not to be a burden on the public purse.
I need to work, for these and many more reasons …

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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