BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

OPINION: A viable transition to Basic Income

Thomas Paine and many other libertarians concerned with fundamental human rights, dreamt of the day when no one would suffer from want and basic income security should be garanteed to all. The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) promotes the idea  among all countries....

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OPINION: Dependency: An ideology chasing its tail

I graduated in Social Work in 1964 and back then, in Australia, we were three quarters of the way through the 23 years of unbroken conservative rule. The prevailing welfare ideology of the time was heavily influenced by the combination of providing assistance to those...

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Anniversary Note: BIEN's 25th

Anniversaries are poignant human moments, points on a journey, never an end in themselves. Twenty-five years ago, on September 4-6, 1986, a small group of us held a workshop on basic income, and on September 6 decided to set up a network, BIEN. The memory is blurred; the documentation is scattered. However, this 25th anniversary is a testament to several aspects of BIEN, and it is perhaps acceptable to reflect on the journey so far.

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Film review: “This Land is Our Land:” reviewed by a commoner

“This Land is Our Land” is a recent video (2010) subtitled, “The Fight to Reclaim the Commons” and was previously titled “Silent Theft”. It’s by author David Bollier (Senior Fellow at the Norman Lear Center at the USC Annenberg School for Communication); it’s available from the Media Education Foundation.

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VIEWPOINT: Where does housing fit in?

Looking at progress against the pillars of the Beveridge welfare state: health, housing and education, many commentators have identified housing as the 'wobbly pillar', starved of investment or ineffectively maintained. With this being said, an article titled retired...

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OPINION: Genetics, the deserving and underserving poor

OPINION: Genetics, the deserving and underserving poor

By Michael A. Lewis, Associate Professor The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College After spending 15 years teaching about, writing about, and observing the U.S. welfare state, I believe that the policies that make it up are based on a questionable...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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