BIEN | Opinion

Opinion Posts

Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.

Review: Tony Fitzpatrick (ed.), Understanding the Environment and Social Policy

This is an exploration of the complex relationship between social policy and the environmental challenges which we all face, with social policy here defined as ‘systematic public interventions relating to social needs, well-being and problems’ (p.2) – and the relationship really is complex because, whereas in the short term there might be a trade-off between money spent on protecting the environment and money spent on health, housing and education, in the longer term money not spent on protecting the environment will impact on health, housing and education. In the other direction, social policies in areas such as fuel poverty will have an impact positively or negatively on the environment; social policies have often been designed to promote economic growth, and this has an impact on the environment; and to redirect the aims of social policy will have an impact, too, and preferably one which will steer us away from the worst of the possible climate change outcomes.

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Review: James Alm (ed.), The Economics of Taxation

The title of the series to which these volumes belong contains an important ambiguity. A critique is a careful examination of a subject, so a critical writing is a careful study of the subject under review; but in common parlance ‘critical’ also means ‘significant’. (We might say that the title of the series contains a critical ambiguity.) It is in this double sense that the writings contained in these volumes are ‘critical’. They are careful studies of aspects of taxation, and they are also significant, in relation to the study of taxation, in relation to the social policy field as a whole, and because they have been seminal in their field.

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Review: Emilio Albi and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (eds), The Elgar Guide to Tax Systems

The editors’ introduction to this volume of thoroughly researched conference papers shows just how much has changed in OECD tax systems during the past few decades: flatter income tax rates, ubiquitous VAT, the almost complete disappearance of wealth taxes, a substantial reduction in excise duties, and much more. The separate chapters discuss the reasons for these changes, and also such fields as corporate taxes, environmental taxes, decentralized taxation, tax administration, and the relationships between tax policy, politics, and research.

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Passported Benefits and a Citizen's Income

Passported benefits The Government's Social Security Advisory Committee's press release of 15 June 2011 heralded a 'Public Consultation: Passported Benefits under Universal Credit - review and advice.' In a footnote, the press release stated: By Passported Benefits we...

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Video: Interview with Karl Widerquist on the Alaska Permanent Fund

Karl Widerquist holds a Ph.D. in Political Theory and another one in Economics. He teaches in Qatar as Associate Professor at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Furthermore he is co-chair of the Basic Income Earth Network and a member of the coordinating committee of the USBIG Network. One of his topics is Basic Income and he is very interested in the Alaska Permanent Fund. Recently he finished a book together with Michael Howard on this issue. It is going to be published in 2012.

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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