
This budget assumes public finance all levels combined, and no change in overall tax income, which is currently 4131 billion $.

Today, no more than 8% of the population is required to produce all agricultural products, industrial products and buildings required. That is why the state needs to distribute purchasing power to 100% of the population. Jobs in the service sector will be triggered by the purchasing power (the current doctrine is that we should create jobs to generate purchasing power, but that is an instable system).

This increased efficiency has created a societal system with can create welfare and therefore has a huge common, “social”, capital. Every citizen should get a dividend from that capital. We call it the social dividend or “Basic Income Grant”; an income which we don’t need to work for, just like rich people live from their heritage. All citizens get this social dividend. Some part in cash, some part in kind. The amount in cash depends on their age (see table in the budget).

The amount in kind is given in education vouchers, healthcare vouchers and “coaching” vouchers. Citizens choose their education, healthcare and coaching service provider who gets money from the “social dividend in kind” fund, provided by the state budget.

Both education and healthcare will see drastic changes in the coming years, due to the advent of the Internet. With the number of internet service providers like Spectrum (check out Spectrum internet pricing here), Xfinity, and similar others providing affordable internet plans, users can have access to information of any kind at their fingertips. The country will witness an unprecedented increase in education and healthcare – entrepreneurs.

Every citizen will have the right to be “coached”, which will help all citizens to address problems and opportunities in their lives. This coaching system will hugely reduce criminality and improve productivity.

Since working people will get a social dividend of 500 $ per month, somebody earning 1500 $ net now would have the same total income if he/she gets a net salary of 1000 $ net. In practice, the pay check will mention BIG: 500 $ and Work income: 1000 $ instead of 1500 $ work income now. That is why the in the budget figures, the cost for public servants, but also workers in education and healthcare seems low: a part of their salary is paid, so to speak, by the BIG.

Age cash vouchers total number cash dividend coaching
$ pp pm $ pp pm $ pp pm million billion $ p year billion $ p y billion $
0-17 150 300 450 75 135.0 270.0
18-25 250 300 550 41 123.0 147.6
26-67 500 300 800 169 1014.0 608.4
67 + 1000 300 1300 35 420.0 126.0
320 1692.0 1152.0 2844.0 17.8% GDP


Other public expenses:

public service employees
Net $ per month $ cash total total employed billion $/y
extra salary social cash compen- million budget
dividend salary sation
national administration 2450 500 2950 3450 2.5 74
local admin 2150 500 2650 3150 5 129
Army 1650 500 2150 2650 0.6 12
police + 1750 500 2250 2300 3 63
Justice 1950 500 2450 2950 0.3 7
11.4 284.4 284.4
military excluding personnel 275
Interest payments 230
Public investments and current purchases 500
Total public expenditure except loan repayments 4133.4


Within the BIG, a value of 1152 billion $ is paid in kind, in the form of vouchers. These vouchers go to service providers who get cash for it from the government budget. The service providers use this money to pay the extra salary over the BIG to nearly 25 million people employed by those service providers in education, health care and coaching. The demand side of these services is completely subsidised. The offer side is market driven while the government needs to define the rules.

total total net employed billion $ p y
cash compensation million budget
education 2200 500 2700 3200 8 211
healthcare 2200 500 2700 3200 13 343
coaching 2200 500 2700 3200 3.7 98
24.7 652.08
products and services relating to healthcare, education and coaching 500
cost to be covered by BIG vouchers 1152.08