While voters of the United States were loudly debating gun control, the deficit, the debt, taxes, immigrant rights, the filibuster law, health care, and a host of other issues, the Obama administration quietly did something that would have been unthinkable a few decades ago. It ordered the military to allow women to serve routinely in combat units. Other changes that would have been unthinkable a few decades ago also seem to be underway. Nine states now have same-sex marriage, when as recently as 1976, the Democratic National Convention refused to pass a resolution doing no more than recognizing homosexuals as human beings. After thousands of years of prohibition, Britain, and France seem to be on the verge of legalizing same-sex marriage at virtually the same time. Now anyone who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and of non-binary sexuality can be just as happy as any heterosexual couple out there.
Big changes often feel far away until they come. Few people in 1926 could have guessed that the United States was within ten years of introducing a near-universal system of old age pensions that would eventually almost eliminate poverty among the elderly. Few people in 1856 could have guessed that the United States was within ten years of the end of slavery–in fact support for slavery in the north was still very high.
Supporters of the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) should remember this lesson. BIG is far from mainstream politics in America today. But there are many people who want to see a fairer distribution of property and who would be interested in a new and better way to make it happen. Movements such as “Occupy” have turned people’s attention to how unequal our society has become in recent decades. If BIG remains a viable, well-thought-out option, the possibility that might suddenly become a political reality remains.
-Karl Widerquist, waiting for Proteus to roll down Napoleon Avenue, Lundi Gras, 2013
Indeed Karl! Big changes are doing it on the “Fstina lente” way (=latin for Fasten slowly), but once they are settled….nobody can take them away anymore! Remember womens vote rights…remember abolition of slavery…That’s what we all should keep in mind: even when it takes some more time to reach the targets of BIG, as Victor Hugo said: nothing is so strong as the idea of wich the time has come. BIG’s time has come and the idea is slowly moving out of the utopia sphere, just be patient and it will become a political reality remains!
Pay in the future will be based upon (1) age (2) marriage status (3) education (4) job/occupation
(5) able or disabled and (6) merit. Age Payment (AP) are annual payments made by the federal government into an individual bank account set up for the specific use of an individual after turning age one. The same rate of pay is made globally to all humans born on Earth. The amount of money from ages 1-17 are very low payments. The pay is called A1 pay where the amount is never changed in the first 17 years of the individual’s life. All the money is invested in the stock market. At age 6 the child decides what he/she wants to invest in. Before that age, parents make the decision where to invest the money. At age 18 and again at age 19 individuals who graduate from high school receive M1 single marriage status pay, they are eligible to receive monthly dividends from their investment. M1 payment is very minimal. When a heterosexual couple marry they are eligible for M2 marriage status pay. Homosexuals will remain in an M1 status. M2 payment is a high payment, paid monthly. M1 and M2 payments start when all individuals are in an A3 status, ages 20-29. A3 payment is high amount of money paid monthly.
A1 is a payment status of individuals ages 1-17, A2 is a payment status of individuals 18-19. A3 is for those who are 20-29 and the pay is high. A4 pay is pay for individuals aged 30-39, it is very highest payment status, payments are twice a month (1st and 15th). A5 pay is pay for individuals 40-49 and it is a high payment paid annually. A6 pay is pay for individuals 50-59 and it is a middle level payment paid monthly. A7 pay (ages 60-69) is low middle level payment paid monthly. A8 is a very low payment for elderly aged 70-99. A9 is an extremely low payment for those 100 plus.
Education pay is paid monthly by the state government and is based upon the level of education an individual currently is at. E5 pay is for doctors and it is a very high payment paid monthly. E4 is paid to all who possess at least a master’s degree and the pay is high as well. E3 pay is for those who hold a bachelor’s degree and it’s a middle level payment paid monthly. E2 pay is for those who hold a high school diploma and it is a low payment paid every two weeks on the 1st and 15th. E1 pay is a very low payment to all non-high school graduates who are age 20 and up. E1 pay recipients must be at the A3 status level.
The Job/Occupation and Merit payment is paid by private enterprise and can only legally start at age 16. This kind of pay is based upon a merit system, but its totally left up to the owner of the business. This is where free enterprise and capitalism persists. The kind of job which pays the highest are ones who are able to be cross-functional, who are skilled in a variety of disciplines, including finance, marketing, project management and client relations. Having global competence and expertise is important in the 21st century and beyond. You must have the ability to do business, including overseas. You must be multi-culturally attuned, acquiring global work experience, studying and traveling abroad. You must develop your own niche. You need a skills-based resume. As you get older your make a chronological job history listing transferable skills. You must develop budgeting skills learning supply and logistics of your first job. You must be effective in social media, use face book and twitter. You must seek mentorship and establish a firm solid work ethic. You must be able to understand technological changes to improve your marketability.
Government will determine if you are able or unable to work and pay those who are unable a Disability Payment which will be a middle level payment paid monthly. Those who are able will be paid if unemployed for up to one year a very low payment paid monthly by the state government.
Highly disagree with special rates on education and marriage status and age due to its plan market nature.
We have too many bachelors and masters already.
Marriage is not a certificate for being good parents.
A universal basic income would solve these problems by more responsible, individual descision making.
BIG is a fair distribution of money. Think of the scarcity of workers if no one needed to work. The arguement that no one would want to work is nonsense, true most people would work less then 20 hours a week but they would still work for fun money. Companys like Walmart, fast food, dirty jobs would be forced to recruit people and give out sign on bonuses for signing a 4 year contract with them. More ATMs will spring up everywhere, property values will shot through the roof, Many bogus jobs would disappear and criminals might do their hard time as a trash man or septic tank pumper as no one would do this job. The idea that a company would have to bend over backwards to get an applicant to work and pay them handsomly for their labor is already a reality with the Military. And it works and is proof of concept.
the popular nationwide Convention denied to pass a resolution doing no more than recognizing homosexuals as human beings. After thousands of years of prohibit, Britain and France appear to be on the verge of legalizing same sex marriage at virtually the identical time. You should search mentorship and set up a firm solid work ethic. You must be adept to understand technological alterations to advance your marketability.