BIEN Stories: Toru Yamamori

BIEN Stories: Toru Yamamori

Photo taken by Stefan Pangritz at a solidarity meeting for the Swiss
referendum in January 2014 in Basel.


Toru Yamamori (Basic Income News editor)


1. Encounter to the idea
My encounter to the idea of a basic income was around 1991-2. I was involved in solidarity activism with a casual worker’s trade union, in which many of the members were homeless construction workers. Some left leaning intellectuals also came to show their solidarity from time to time, and one of them told me that what we need is the idea of ‘unconditional social income’ that was articulated in the Italian autonomist movement.

I wasn’t impressed by the idea at that time, mainly because the movement with which we were in solidarity demanded an end to unfairly unpaid or underpaid wages. For me asking ‘income’ in that context sounded like that we are getting amnesty when we want to be proved not guilty.

It took several years for me to digest why we need an unconditional basic income. Then it become a secret joy to read Bertrand Russell’s Roads to Freedom, or Philippe van Parijs’s Real Freedom for All, borrowed from a university library. Because the majority of my friends either from activism or academia didn’t like the idea, it remained a personal relief by dreaming a totally different world.


2. Joining BIEN
In 2002 I travelled to the U.K. to visit to Malcolm Torry, Philip Vince (both from Citizen’s Income Trust), and Bill Jordan (a founding member of BIEN). Malcolm and Philip showed me that the idea was being spread widely from a small alternative sphere. Bill introduced me to the working class people who demanded a basic income in 1970s, which made me remind my old friends with who I wanted to be in solidarity. (So I started to organize public events on UBI outside academia.)

In 2004 I attended the BIEN congress in Barcelona where the network changed from ‘European’ to ‘Earth’. I was fascinated by the unique atmosphere, where established, well-known academics talked with anyone in equal and friendly terms, and where many young activists brought enthusiasm. I immediately became a life member.

Then I attended almost every congress except 2006. The one in 2014 Montreal was special occasion for me, because I presented my 13 years of oral historical research on the working class feminists who demanded UBI in the 1970s Britain, which was started when Bill introduced me some of those people in 2002. Local and international feminists in the congress encouraged me with positive comments, and I felt relieved that finally I succeeded to convey their forgotten struggle to similar minded contemporary feminists.


3. And now…
I was the only participant from Asia in the 2004 congress. The number has grown and this year the congress was held in Korea, and we have five national or regional affiliates in Asia.

People in BIEN keep encouraging me to engage both activism and research on UBI, which means a lot for me. In 2012 I was elected to the Executive Committee. At that time it was out of blue, but since then I have tried to expand this unique broad-church organization, especially by writing news for the Basic Income News, and by exploring communications between Asian members.


Toru Yamamori is a professor of economics of a Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. 

At the end of 2016, the year in which BIEN celebrated the 30th anniversary of its birth, all Life Members were invited to reflect on their own personal journeys with the organization. See other contributions to the feature edition here.

BRISTOL, UK: Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income, 17th June 2015

BRISTOL, UK: Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income, 17th June 2015

Gender Research Centre at University of Bristol organizes a seminar on feminism and Citizen’s Income, with Centre for East Asian Studies (University of Bristol) & FSSL Family and Parenting Research group (University of Bristol).


‘Feminist Way to Citizen’s Income: Claimants Unions and Women’s Liberation Movements in Britain 1968-1987’


Time & Date: Wednesday June 17th @ 16.00

Venue:  G2 (1st Floor), 10 Priory Road, University of Bristol

Speaker: Toru Yamamori


Abstract: At the 9th National Women’s Liberation Conference held in London in 1977, a resolution which asked the whole of the British Women’s Liberation movement to endorse a citizen income (an unconditional basic income) was passed with majority vote. However, this fact appears not to have been properly recorded in any academic literature. The resolution was raised by women in the Claimants Unions Movement. The paper is based on oral historical research and looks closely at their activism, especially their intersections with other feminists and their articulation of the citizen’s income demand.

Toru Yamamori is a professor at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, and currently a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge, where he works on two projects: Gender, Class and Race in discourse on Basic Income in 1970s Britain, and History of Economic Thought on Need. His past publications were in various disciplines and the common question behind them was how feminist and other social movements have challenged the philosophical foundation of economics. He was a founding member of the Japanese Association for Feminist Economics, and is a member of the Basic Income Earth Network.

2014 Basic income Studies’ Essay Prize awarded to Toru Yamamori

2014 Basic income Studies’ Essay Prize awarded to Toru Yamamori

The 2014 Basic Income Studies Best Essay Prize is awarded to Toru Yamamori. The winning paper is entitled ‘A Feminist Way to Basic Income: Claimants Unions and Women’s Liberation Movements in Britain 1968-1987′.

The paper shed light on a forgotten struggle of working class women in claimants unions that articulated a feminist rationale for an unconditional basic income and succeeded to pass the resolution which asked the whole British Women’s Liberation movement to endorse the demand, at the National Women’s Liberation conferences. The paper is based on an oral historical research conducted over 13 years.

The author said that he thanks to interviewees who gave him enormous support both practically and emotionally, and this prize is, he believes, awarded collectively to their admirable struggle, not individually to the nominal author.

The shorter version of the paper is published in the latest volume of Basic Income Studies (2014; 9(1-2); pp.1-24) and available for download here.

For the detail of the prize, see Basic Income Studies’s website.