Sascha Liebermann, "Success or failure? A discussion of the outcome of the ECI Unconditional Basic Income in Germany"

In this piece published by the Green European Journal on 26 February 2014, Sascha Liebermann (Professor of Sociology at the Alanus University, and co-founder of the Initiative «Freiheit statt Vollbeschäftigung») discusses the impact of the “European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) on basic income” in Germany. He focuses in particular on the reasons for the comparatively low participation rate in Germany.

The piece can be read online here.

Professor of Sociology at the Alanus University in Alfter bei Bonn. He is co-founder of the Initiative «Freiheit statt Vollbeschäftigung» that promotes public debate on Basic Income. – See more at:

Malcolm Henry, “How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)”

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How about a negative interest rate to finance a BIG?

[Craig Axford]

Most proposals for funding a basic income guarantee rely upon some kind of traditional taxation mechanism.  In this post the idea of a negative interest rate that is deposited back into a pool to finance BIG and encourage money’s circulation through the economy is offered as another possible means.

Malcolm Henry, “How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)”, Basic Income UK, February 11, 2014