Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, “What would Milton Friedman think of shutdown debate?”

[Craig Axford]

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (Crain News Service photo)

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (Crain News Service photo)

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and food stamp program, recently renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), are programs that serve as tentative steps toward conservative economist Milton Friedman’s vision of a negative income tax (a form of basic income guarantee). In this article the author argues today’s conservatives are increasingly turning their back on these programs, however, and the recent government shutdown reflects this change in attitude.

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, “What would Milton Friedman think of shutdown debate?TireBusiness.com, October 15, 2013:

Georgette Jasen, “Research Finds Outright Grants of Cash Are Surprisingly Effective Form of Aid to the Poor”

[Craig Axford]

Christopher Blattman

Christopher Blattman

Researcher Christopher Blattman investigated the impacts of a Ugandan grant program financed through a loan from the World Bank and discovered it paid huge dividends both for the grant recipients and the communities they belonged to. Though the grants were largely unconditional with no follow-up to determine how the money was spent, Blattman found that grant recipients learned a trade, started a business, or otherwise spent the money responsibly.

Georgette Jason, “Research Finds Outright Grants of Cash Are Surprisingly Effective Form of Aid to the Poor,” Global Impact, October 8, 2013.

VIDEO: The Swiss Activist Who Collected 100,000 Signatures to Provide Every Adult Citizen with $2,800/Month

[Steve Shafarman – USBIG]

This video, an exclusive interview is cofounder of the Basic Income Initiative, Enno Schmidt, includes references to Milton Friedman, Alaska, Namibia, and more. Enno is an artist and author of the film Basic Income: A Cultural Impulse.

The Real News Network, “The Swiss Activist Who Collected 100,000 Signatures to Provide Every Adult Citizen with $2,800/Month,” The Real News Network, October 21, 2013.

Swiss demonstration with delivery of signatures for basic income

Swiss demonstration with delivery of signatures for basic income

Arthur de Grave & Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber"

[Craig Axford]

In this wide-ranging interview with the anthropologist David Graeber, ideas such as a debt jubilee and basic income guarantee are discussed. According to Graeber, a basic income would allow people to “find a valuable occupation” of their own choosing instead of forcing people to work in increasingly unproductive “bullshit jobs” that exist simply to perpetuate the perception that work is a moral undertaking.

Arthur de Grave & Benjamin Tincq, “Can debt catalyse the next global rebellion? An interview with David Graeber,” OUIShare, October 9, 2013.

Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers, “Time for an Economy of, by and for the People”

[Craig Axford]

An overview of current economic policy and a number of alternative directions we might follow are discussed here, including a shorter work-week at current wage levels, an increase in the minimum wage to reflect increases in productivity, and a basic guaranteed income set above the poverty line.

Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers, “Time for an Economy of, by and for the People,” Dissident Voice, June 26, 2013.

Dissident Voice: a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice

Dissident Voice: a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice