Canada: Bruce Stewart, “Canadian Senator Hugh Segal and his guaranteed income plan”

Hugh Segal

Hugh Segal

[Craig Axford]

This article discusses Conservative Canadian Senator Hugh Segal who continues to advocate for a basic income guarantee.  According to Senator Segal an income floor would encourage more entrepreneurship, enhance consumer spending, and provide a top up for low paying service jobs that are increasingly a barrier preventing many Canadians from joining the middle class.

Bruce Stewart, “Canadian Senator Hugh Segal and his guaranteed income plan”, Beacon News, October 7, 2013.

David Kestenbaum, “What Happens When You Just Give Money To Poor People?

Bernard Omondi got $1,000 from GiveDirectly.

Bernard Omondi got $1,000 from GiveDirectly.

[Craig Axford]

New research coming out of MIT’s Poverty Action Lab provides additional evidence that unconditional grants given to the poor tend to be spent in constructive ways.  Carol Bellamy, a former UNICEF director, stated that she was “impressed” by the results of the study adding, “The return on investment was more positive than I would have anticipated.”

David Kestenbaum, “What Happens When You Just Give Money To Poor People?”, NPR,  October 25, 2013.