Matthew Bruenig, “Conservatives are losing their minds over economic reforms that already exist”

[Josh Martin]

SUMMARY: Bruenig opens by highlighting the conservative backlash to Jesse Myerson’s article for Rolling Stone that listed five economic reforms all millenials should support: a job guarantee, a universal basic income, a land value tax, a sovereign wealth fund and state banks.  Conservatives quickly labeled these reforms as impossible, but Bruenig discredits this argument by providing real-world examples of each reform except the job guarantee.  He also highlights major conservatives who have backed these policies before, like Milton Friedman (pictured below).  Thus, Bruenig claims these reforms are not as farfetched as conservatives believe.

Milton Friedman (Credit: AP/Eddie Adams) via

Milton Friedman (Credit: AP/Eddie Adams) via

Matthew Bruenig, “Conservatives are losing their minds over economic reforms that already exist,” Salon, January 6, 2014.