John Cassidy, “Ten Ways to Get Serious About Rising Inequality”

-From the New Yorker

-From the New Yorker

This article uses the term “guaranteed minimum income” for the first of its ten ways to get serious about inequality, and it mentions John Kenneth Galbraith’s and Milton Friedman’s endorsement of the idea. But in its elaboration it talks only about expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit. It never elaborates what common definition of a guaranteed minimum income is, leaving it unclear whether the author recommends guaranteeing a minimum income to all Americans.

John Cassidy, “Ten Ways to Get Serious About Rising Inequality,” The New Yorker, January 28, 2014.

Ed Dolan, "Could We Afford a Universal Basic Income"

Edwin G. Dolan is an economist and educator with a Ph.D. from Yale University.

[Craig Axford]

With this post, Ed Dolan concludes the United States can provide a basic income guarantee of approximately $5,850 for every American with the exception of some current Social Security recipients.  This grant could be funded using only existing federal anti-poverty spending, excluding healthcare spending or money currently contributed to these programs by the states.

Ed Dolan, “Could We Afford a Universal Basic Income”, Economonitor, January 13, 2014