Hollie Slade Staff, “Give Directly's Breakthrough 'Free Money' Model Grows As Evidence Mounts.”

Hollie Slade, Forbes

Hollie Slade, Forbes

This article discusses how the charity, Give Directly, which has an extremely simple model find poor people and give them money, has grown in success. Although GiveDirectly has received increasing attention, this article, like most other articles on GiveDriectly does not make the following connection: GiveDirectly essentially give recipients a one-time basic income. The success of GiveDriectly provides favorable evidence for basic income.

Hollie Slade Staff, “Give Directly’s Breakthrough ‘Free Money’ Model Grows As Evidence Mounts.Forbes, 2/10/2014.

Ailsa McKay, “Being Radical – Arguing For a Citizens Basic Income in the New Scotland”

PUBLISHER’S SUMMARY: In the second of our series on welfare and the independence referendum, Professor Ailsa McKay of Glasgow Caledonian University argues that the constitutional debate provides a valuable opportunity to redesign our welfare system and redefine the values of the ‘good society’, and proposes a Scottish Citizens Basic Income to promote opportunities for all.

Ailsa McKay, “Being Radical – Arguing For a Citizens Basic Income in the New Scotland,” The University of Edinburgh: Scotland’s Referendum: Informing the Debate, 21/02/2013.

Ailsa McKay

Ailsa McKay